
Hi, my name is Snowball.  I am the spokescat for Annmakes.  My job is to look fabulous, make sure that Ann gets up early every morning, look after her every day by making her take breaks by stroking me and scratching my head.

It is also imperative that everyone eats a well-balanced meal at least as often as I do, so I remind them of meal times, and snacks.

In addition to all of the above, I assist in the studio by checking if any freshly painted surfaces are dry to the touch if cardboard boxes are empty and keeping all work surfaces tidy by pawing any additional products and tools off.

 I am also in charge of security where I diligently make sure that no pesky wildlife or free-range cats can enter the studio even through glass doors!

I also volunteer my ergonomic study services by testing every chair, rug, bed and essentially horizontal surfaces for proper body alignment while napping.

My hobbies are napping, playing soccer, napping, climbing,  napping, and bird watching.

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