Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Fabricville Haul and Announcement

News!  Fabricville will have a new Blogger in 2017, and it's yours truly.  Fabricville/Fabricland is a chain of Fabric, and everything you need for sewing, decorating your home, and get those creative juices flowing.  I am thrilled to be working on some new projects, and delighted to be returning to my first love.  Sewing.

Here is a video I made showing the goodies I received from Fabricville, as well as a glimpse of the new project I will be working on.  I have high hopes of completing the project before the end of December.  Wish me luck!
*** Update, technically the project was finished December 31!! The post is live here.


The Fabrics! 

Come back and view how I built a new Cutting Table for the Sewing/Craft Room/Studio.
Link to post (

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