Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Woyww, Oct.9

Hello, I m back with this week's instalment of Welcome over to my whirlwind!  No, just kidding it is time to show and tell what is on my work desk.  I seem to skip every other week just because I have too many things going on and when I am out and about my desk is actually tidy.  Well, this week I am multi tasking again and I just couldn't decide which one of my desks to share with you, as they all have some sort of creative mess on them.

By the way let's not forget who is responsible for organizing this tour every week: JULIE!

Picture no.1:

My main creative work desk on the right with stacks of adhesive, a steel die cut (Tim Holtz) and what looks like a bunch of scraps of paper.  These are part of a class I am putting together on Card making.
Over to the left is a partial picture of my drawing table that is flat at the moment because it holds one of my art journals with a background I am working on, not sure where I am going with this one.
oh yes, as usual this is very confusing to the eyes as I have a ton of supplies shown here but this is where they usually are.

Picture no. 2:

My work bench/counter where I am painting a miniature coffin and if you squint you can see part of Mr. Skeleton behind it.  I am working on a Halloween project deadline for a Design Team . Yes, tons of supplies and tools in the background, and a pot of dirty brush water.  Also, my work bench phone that I don't mind getting paint all over as it wipes clean very easily and this one is not electric so I can't accidentally  short it out with water!

Picture no. 3:

What is supposed to be my cutting table for large pieces of paper and my fabrics is actually a" holding all my  extra junk", and drying table at the moment.  There is another art Journal in the process of,"I have no idea".  Beyond that, is a small mixed media canvas project (another deadline for another Design Team). There is a pile of left over scrapbook papers and card stocks from projects completed and submitted to a magazine.  My handy dandy shapes cutting system in its travelling case is in the centre. Holding some pages of my journal apart is a clear plastic suitcase which holds some newly acquired liquid water colours.   Further back you can see parts of my sewing area and a bunch of suitcases full of tools and supplies yet to be unpacked from a trip two weeks ago.

Now, I hope to make some time to go visit some other woyww's, I love to do that.  Thank you so much  to all my visitors and your lovely comments I so appreciate them.  I really really do my best to return the favour, eventually! :)
Thanks for stopping by today.

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