Monday, June 15, 2015

How to Mono-print on Handmade Paper

How to do Geli Prints on Handmade paper is the topic for today's post.  Hi, there I have a project that I made for the Arnold Grummer Paper Making Design Team and Blog and I am sharing some tips with you over on my blog today.  As you may already know I enjoy making my own papers from pulp made with recycled junk mail and other throw away paper goods.  I took my DIY craziness a step further this week when I tried making mono-prints or "Gelli" prints on some of those yummy sheets I have stashed away.

Working with handmade papers for this technique can be challenging.  The trick here is 'Speed".  Yes, you must work quickly and let each print dry thoroughly.  You see, handmade paper has texture and tends to be more fragile when wet than regular ready made manufactured papers.

Here are a few of the sheets of paper I made recently before I printed on them:

Now here is one of my finished projects with some homemade printing.

To make that project I made prints on three different sheets and used different parts of each sheet in an assemblage of sorts.

Arnold Grummer Paper Making Kit  Discount  June code:  HotDis
Recycled papers from the bin
Gelli Plate
Acrylic Paints Student Grade: Light Blue, Bright Orange, Medium Yellow, Black
Linnie Blooms "Feather" Stencil and mask.
Aleene's Tacky glue
Dimensional foam tape

Thank you for stopping by.  Don't forget to stay informed of all my FREE crafting tips and How To's all you have to do is subscribe and follow me on Social media.  Just check the links in the side bars.  :)

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